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Writing Profiles

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago


                                                 Tony Baptist; Musician, born and raised in Burell Boom, Belize / Burell Boom, 2007.



Interviewing & Profiling Assignment

This assignment is worth 10% of your semester’s grade and is due online  before class on Monday Feb 4th


This link will lead you to resources from our text: Writing in a Visual Age


You have three OBJECTIVES to fulfil for this assignment:


To compose relevant and interesting interview questions concerning one of your classmate’s visual compositions in preparation to compose a profile of this classmate (You can choose your classmate). You need to develop a topic, write an introduction that will engage reader's interest, create an appropriate voice, conclude your profile effectively, and design your profile with intergrating visual elements.





 To compose a 500 word (min.) profile of your peer that is suitable for our Bridge to Belize website. We will discuss this in detail in class, and I will provide further guidelines on my journal page as we proceed. Your profile will include a few key images.



 To ensure that your profile is 100% free of spelling, grammatical, and stylistic errors. We will be posting these profiles on our Bridge to Belize website, which is of interest to all the people who donate money to our project, so in the interest of our credibility as university students, we can not have any errors on our page (if you notice errors on any of our pages, mine included, please alert me).


My CRITERIA for evaluation are:


Completeness and Compactness: Your profile should be a minimum of 500 words and manage to cover a range of your subject’s interests, accomplishments, insights on our theme: Individuals in Society, and some comments on  our Bridge to Belize project.


Correctness: As I say above, your profile needs to be 100% free of spelling, grammatical, and stylistic errors. This means you will need to ensure that at least one person proof reads for you before you post.



We will have an ongoing discussion about my guidelines for this assignment in class and on  my journal page as we proceed.


Tony grew up listening to the howler monkeys in the trees on the river bank in his backyard. Belize/2007.




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