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Systems for collaborative writing

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago




Systems for Collaborating on your Digital Research Papers




I want to give you some guidance for devising a system for your collaboration on your digital research papers. There are a few ideas I have, and if you have ideas of your own, please throw them past me and we can discuss them.


First, each author must use a different colour font. And, you must do your rough work on your individual google doc journals, and then cut and paste into your collaborative page --> links & images will follow, and so will your coloured font.



Ideas for organizing your collaboration:


  • Each member of the group composes separate sections of the paper. Re - one member writes the abstract and introduction, another the orchestrated summaries, another the discussion of the research and the conclusion.  And you all collaborate on the digital elements of your paper, re: links and visuals.


  •  Or, you could work with outlines and compose collaboratively. So, together you would point- form the entire paper and then begin to 'flesh out' a composition draft collaboratively, and finally, re-write into a final draft collaboratively. If you chose this method, in the end, the many coloured fonts will not work. So, instead you would need to use your individual journal pages to discuss your collaborative process, rather then to point form and rough draft sections of the paper.


  • Or, you could decide to divide the tasks in terms of one person collecting relevant links and images, maybe have two people team up to orchestrate and one member writing the introduction and conclusion.


Complete the composition of your digital research paper by Friday Nov 30th.


Then, over the weekend correct all grammar and spelling errors, re-read to ensure you have perfected your scholarly techniques, and finally, ensure all your links work and your pages look beautiful.


I will begin reading your papers on Friday. I will evaluate and assign grades on Monday.




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