Teacher Evaluations : English 112/ University Writing
The University of British Columbia
Faculty of Arts
Year: 2007 Term: Two Department: English. Course No 112/ sections 12 & 14 N
Instructor: Dr. Erika Paterson / Score: 4.5/5
Comments: Dr. Paterson, it was such a pleasure to have you as my English professor.
This class was by far the most enjoyable course I have taken in my first year at UBC.
You have a charisma about you that makes everyone appreciate your presence.
I really, really hope I will be lucky enough to get you as my prof again in the future! Best of luck.
Comments: Very enthusiastic about subject matter. Always in a good mood, easily approachable
and very responsive to students; always kept in touch. Very interactive class through google docs,
far more interesting than I was expecting English to be. Great professor.
Comments: I really enjoyed Dr. Paterson as the instructor of this class. Her interest and love of the subject made me interested also. She taught the class uniquely, different then other classes. Her grading was very fair, and she used our success to evaluate her success. Her use of the wiki space was really great and efficient for grading and getting feedback. This was probably the best English class I have ever taken, I have really loved being taught by Dr. Paterson. I especially enjoyed the focus on digital literacy.
Comments: Erika you are a passionate, inspired and inspiring teacher. I totally enjoyed your class, thank you.
Comments : Promoted the use of computers and digital literacy, which was really new and interesting. English might not be the most interesting subject ever, but Dr. Erika really tried hard to make it enjoyable for us, really good music and keynotes for example. Everyone was online which was great. Awesome class web page!
Comments: Erika is an excellent instructor, the best I've had yet at UBC. She made the course interesting and used slides for all her lectures which made each class more enjoyable to attend. Erika encouraged us to develop our writing skills and was always there to help when needed. She is very friendly, helpful and approachable. I especially loved her system on Goggle Docs where we did all writing assignments online. She always provided thorough and quick feedback. english 112 has been my favorite class this year. and it has been largely because of Erika.
Comments: I loved the interactive nature of the class, and the teacher's respect and interest in students development. The teacher went out of her way to communicate with students on her time off, which really helped me to develop my skills. Thanks Erika.
Comments: Erika was arguably one of the best English teachers I have encountered. she successfully adapted the course material to interesting and relevant topics. She recognized how computers will one day be adopted to all classrooms and took the initive to do so with this class. As a computer dependent student, I greatly appreciated our through use of laptops during class. Overall, Erika was a great instructor, as a person and an academic scholar. I would highly recommend this class.
Comments: She is very enthusiastic about teaching which motivates us, the students. Also, she is very open, no one is excluded - discriminated against -- in her class and she truly inspires us all. Although I don't like English personally, I loved her classes.
Comments: The format was unique and engaging. Great choice of topic and way to develop skills what will be useful during our university degree. I had heard that Engl. 112 was boring. However, after taking the course with you it was amazing.
Comments: Encouraged independent and intelligent thought at all times. Class atmosphere was comfortable and friendly. Interactive and interesting lectures. Excellent idea for the collaborative conference. It was lots of fun. Dr. Paterson is an excellent professor.
Comments:: Very approachable, interaction with students is excellent teaching digitally. Keeps her class exciting (prevents students from falling asleep). The entire concept of having a conference is fun, rewarding, and a valuable learning experience since it allows us to experience firsthand what being a researcher is like, which is a great idea for a first year class. Humour and music added to an enjoyable semester. Excellent professor.
Comments: Very enthusiastic and outgoing about subject. Always encouraging and addressed each student with equal amount of attention. Made class very creative and unique and showed EXCEPTIONAL interest in the subject.
Comments: I loved the power points and the engaging lectures, thank you for a very enlightening semester Erika!
Comments: I have found Dr. Paterson to be a knowledgeable, entertaining, fair, patient professor. The school of English is blessed to have a such a great teacher in their faculty. her teaching style and attitude is terrific. Erika's course with the use of google docs is great. The communication between Erika and her students is something I have not experienced before , it was very very good!
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