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Hi, Welcome to the ASTU Conference FAQ Page!





On this page, you can find all the help you need to get started with your research presentation.

*IMPORTANT* - Please check calender below for upcoming deadlines and information regarding the conference, thanks.


This page will be maintained by the three technical directors from three ASTU sections, so please contact the appropriate person for your section:


ASTU Section I01 - Owen Dong - owendong@interchange.ubc.ca  -  778-999-6375

ASTU Section I02 - Jon Lee       - jonlee89@interchange.ubc.ca     -  778-995-8316

ASTU Section I03 - Matt Lee     - mattlee@interchange.ubc.ca      - 778-240-4291



*IMPORTANT* - For ASTU Section I01 and ASTU Section I02, I'm encouraging everyone to use Microsoft Powerpoint (any version) as their main presentation software, if you don't have this program, please contact Owen ASAP, thanks.


How to Use Powerpoint?





For beginners, please read this article from About.com on using Microsoft Powerpoint:




For advanced users who already know how to use powerpoint, please review these points to create a more effective presentation:




If anyone is wondering how to have a youtube video on your powerpoint slides, the conference last year has the answer

How to Youtube up your powerpoint.


Here's some tips from a forum on how to add extra stuff to pbwiki



Here is an HTML and CSS guide recommended by one of the top instructrors at BCIT. This link will help you deviate from the basic HTML look, and hopefully encourage

some individualism by allowing you to be more creative and original with the details on your page.

I recommend taking the time to give this site a quick look when the chaos dies down a bit.

HTML and CSS Guide





Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar 





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