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Conference Assignment

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago


Guidelines For Conference Assignments: 25 %


First, you should take a look at our Conference Organization Page.
Then, please read these guidelines carefully, they explain the criteria I will use to evaluate the conference and determine your group’s grade. As we begin to organize the conference, I will use our Research Group Home pages for further instructions to individual groups and organizers. Accordingly, you will need to check this page on a regular basis once we are underway with our preparations and workshops for the conference.


Conference Organizers will be graded as a team. I will assign a grade that evaluates the overall success of the conference. This will include evaluating the quality and completness of the Conference Web space.


In order for the conference to be a great success you will need to demonstrate these skills:


 The ability to work collaboratively and creatively and use your in-class workshop time effectively to:

- create and present a thematic vision for the conference.

- set up effective communications between organizers and conference presenters.

- determine necessary tasks and schedualing.

- document and present the results of your collaboration.


Presenting Groups will also be graded as a group. Each group will be evaluated on their abilities to:


- work collaboratively, creatively, and use your in-class workshop time effectively.

- present the findings of your research in a lively, scholarly and interesting format -- in 15 minutes.

- determine necessary tasks and schedualing.

- document and present the results of your collaboration on your Research Group Home pages, where you will find more detailed instructions.



The grade distribution:


Each group will receive a grade, which you will then distribute amongst yourselves and inform me as to what percentage of the grade each member of the group has earned.


For example:

A group of four people receive a grade of 20/25.

First, I will multiply the grade by the number of people in the group; 4 x 20 = 80.

Accordingly 4 people share 80 points.

How the points are shared are up to you as a group.

If the group feels the grade should be distributed equally - everyone receives 20/25.


But, for example,  sometimes people become ill and cannot fulfill their responsibilities, and another group member must step in and do extra work in order for the presentation to be a great success. In this kind of circumstances, the 80 points can be distributed unevenly amongst the group. After I have assigned the grade, each group will meet and decide how to distribute the points, and then notify me.


 If you DO NOT attend a conference workshop, or miss a Conference presentation day, you will lose 2 points. Attendance will be taken on these occassions.





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